Saturday, September 1, 2012

Family time at the beach.

Andrew, Kelsi & Norah arrived Thursday night and we headed straight to the beach where our neighbours took these photos.

Our cottage is just to the left of the picture behind me.
Norah is the 3rd generation of Wagners we have had at Ocean Park.

We have been having fun with her at the beach although she wasn't too keen on the water as it was quite cold yesterday.  I dipped her feet in today and even though it was a little warmer, she still wasn't impressed!

Here she is in her Grandad's Tilly hat

And playing with him in the cottage

Fast asleep in the beach tent

And having a bath in the kitchen sink at the end of the day.

We are having a lot of fun with her.  Right now I am staying in the cottage as she naps so that Mommy & Daddy can have some beach time.

1 comment:

  1. Isnt she growing big now Julie? A real cutie, and dont you just love sink baths?! I used to dunk mine in the sink all the time when they were little, save getting the baby bath out!
